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AWG's options on nuclear energy (FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/5)



29 September 2008

Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for

Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol on the first part of its sixth session,

held in Accra from 21 to 27 August 2008

I. Clean development mechanism

D. Include nuclear activities

2. Option 1: Activities relating to nuclear facilities are not eligible as CDM project activities.

Option 2: Activities relating to new nuclear facilities may be registered under the CDM and

Annex I Parties may use CERs issued for such project activities, on the basis of emission reductions

during the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, to meet their emission commitments

under Article 3, paragraph 1, for the second commitment period.

Note: The following issues, inter alia, may be relevant to consideration of this element:

- Specific criteria or requirements for eligible nuclear activities;

- Costs related to access to the technology;

- Direct contribution to emission reductions;

- Issues relating to non-proliferation;

- Issues relating to permanent disposal of nuclear waste;

- Safety, security and safeguards.

II. Joint implementation

B. Include nuclear activities

15. Option 1: Activities relating to nuclear facilities are not eligible as JI projects.

Option 2: Activities relating to new nuclear facilities are eligible as JI projects and Annex I

Parties may use emission reduction units issued for such projects, on the basis of emission reductions


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during the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, to meet their emission commitments

under Article 3, paragraph 1, for the second commitment period.

Note: The following issues, inter alia, may be relevant to consideration of this element:

- Specific criteria or requirements for eligible nuclear activities;

- Costs related to access to the technology;

- Direct contribution to emission reductions;

- Issues relating to non-proliferation;

- Issues relating to permanent disposal of nuclear waste;

- Safety, security and safeguards.