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기후변화협약/COP14 참가

[UNFCCC COP14] 12월 4일자 일정 정리

12월 4일자 일정 정리


* 8:30-10:00 : 한국참가자들과 일정 공유


* 10:00-11:30 : Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol(AWG-KP), 2nd Meeting / The Stork Plenary


* 11:30-12:00 : (NGO Negotiations Briefing) Timetable for Copenhagen - Financing for Adaptation - Risk Management / CAN International / Press Center


* 12:30-14:30 : Nuclear Power and Climate Change / Poland National Atomic Energy Agency(PAA), IAEA, and OECD NEA / Conference Center of Poznan Technical University -> 전날 행사와 중복되는 것은 빼고 중간부터 들음.

- Nuclear Power in Poland - How? (Prof. Jerzy Niewodniczanski, PAA)

- Nulcear Power and Climate Change (Dr. Ferenc Toth, IAEA)


* 18:00-18:40 : Nuclear Energy, Climate Change and IAEA Assistance to Interested Memeber States / IAEA / Swan -> 역시 중복되는 내용은 빼고 들음.

- IAEA Assistance in Energy and Nuclear Power Planning (Dr. H-Holger Rogner, IAEA)


* 19:00-20:00 : 내용 정리


* 20:00-22:00 : 시장에 들림.

* 23:00- : 일본 친구들과 작별파티