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기후변화협약/COP14 참가

[UNFCCC COP14] 12월 6일자 참가 일정 정리

* 08:30-10:30 : 참가자들과 랠리 준비

* 10:30-12:30 : Climate Change and Forced Migration / European Commission DG Research / EU Pavilion 
 - Welcome and Introduction : Climate Change and Migration (Lars Muller, DG Research)
 - Researching Links Betwee Climate & environmental change and migration ( Dr. Koko Warner / UN Universit Institute for Environment and Human Security, UNU-EHS)
 - Is environmental migration happening? Empirical findings from Central Asia, Asia, and the Pacific Islands (Mr. Francios Gemenne , CEDEM)
 - Rapid-onset flooding and relocation : The Zambezi River Valley in Mozambique (Mr. Marc Stal, UNU-EHS)
 - Migration & displacemen triggered by flood regime change in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (Ms. Olivia Dun, UNU-EHS)

* 13:00-14:00 NGO 집회 및 행진 참여
   -  관련 사진 : http://nonukes.tistory.com/64

* 14:00-15:00 Technology transfr, the IP system and Dlimate change : Challenges and options / UNIDO and UN DESA / Aesculapian snake

* 18:00-19:30 Sustainable Energy & Climate change Policies : Poverty Reduction in Asia & EECCA, Zero Carbon Scenario in EU / INFORSE(International Network for Sustainable Energy) / Grouse

* 19:30-21:00 US foreign policy toward climate change : the new President / Resources ofr the future(RFF) / Grebe