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풍력발전기 파손 사고, UFO와 충돌??

이런 뉴스는 가십기사를 다루는 인터넷 신문에만 나오는 줄 알았더니, BBC나 로이터에도 실렸다.
어느날 갑자기 풍력발전기 대파되었다는 건데.. 좀 황당하긴 하겠다..

이게 외계비행체를 의미하는 UFO든, 비밀군사작전때문이면, 풍력발전기의 기능하나가 추가되는 셈이다. 비밀 감시기능..^^

아래는 서울신문과 BBC 기사이다.




UFO가 풍력발전기와 충돌?…英서 논란
현재 영국은 UFO와 풍력발전기의 충돌 논란에 휩싸여 있다. 현지시간으로 지난 3일 토요일 저녁 린콘셔(Lincolnshire)주 로스(Louth) 지역의 다수의 주민들은 하늘을 가로질러 낮게 나르는 오렌지빛 섬광 물체를 목격했다.

그리고 다음날 새벽 4시경 섬광이 날아간 방향에 위치한 풍력발전기에서 다시 섬광이 목격됐고 풍력발전기는 파괴된 채로 발견됐다.

풍력발전기에서 2.4km 떨어진 부근에 사는 지역주민 도로시 윌로우는 “오렌지색을 띤 섬광이 하늘을 가로질러 풍력발전기 방향으로 날라갔다.”며 “이어서 또 다른 물체를 보았다.”고 전했다.

이 지역 풍력발전기는 총 20기가 있는데 높이 88m에 각 발전기에는 20m 길이의 날개가 3개씩 붙어있다.

20개의 풍력발전기 중 단 1기 만이 파괴되었으며 발전기의 2날개는 부러져 있고 다른 한개는 본체에서 떨어져 나갔다. 그러나 이 사건을 더욱 미스터리하게 만든 것은 떨어져 나간 날개가 발견 되지 않고 있기 때문.

풍력발전기의 소유회사인 에너지 이코트리시티의 책임자 대일 빈스는 BBC와의 인터뷰에서 “목격자들의 증언은 매우 흥미롭지만 우리는 정확한 설명을 찾고 있는 중이다. 그러나 현재까지 설명이 불가능하다.” 고 밝혔다.

또 영국 국방부 측도 논평을 통해 ”영국에 대한 UFO의 잠정적 위협이 증명되지 않는 한 이번 사건 관련 UFO조사는 없을 것”이라고 발표했다.

사진 출처=텔레그래프

UFO claim over wind farm damage

Dale Vince of Ecotricity says there is no explanation

UFO enthusiasts are claiming damage to a Lincolnshire wind farm turbine was caused by a mystery aircraft.

The turbine at Conisholme lost one 66ft (20m) blade and another was badly damaged in the early hours of Sunday.

County councillor for the area Robert Palmer said he had seen a "round, white light that seemed to be hovering".

Ecotricity, which owns the site, said while investigations continued they were not ruling anything out - but the extent of damage was "unique".

The turbine is one of 20 at the Conisholme site, which has been only been fully operational since April 2008. The broken blade has been recovered and is being examined.

Local ufologists said they had received many reports of activity in the area and had teams searching for clues.

To make one of these blades fall off, or to bend it, takes a lot
Dale Vince, Ecotricity

Mr Palmer said: "I actually saw a white light - a round, white light that seemed to be hovering.

"That is the only way I can explain it - it wasn't a flare-like light - it was just round, white light with a slight red edge to it that seemed to be over the wind turbines."

Dale Vince, founder of Ecotricity, said the company was keeping an open mind about the incident.

"We don't have an explanation at the moment as to what the cause was," he said.

"We have been crawling all over it and have sent bits off for analysis to see if we can work out what caused it.

"Until we have some idea, some plausible explanation that it was not a UFO, I don't think we should rule it out".

He added: "To make one of these blades fall off, or to bend it, takes a lot."

Numerous reports

Russ Kellett, from the Flying Saucer Bureau, said witnesses had told him of activity in the area.

"One saw what they at first thought was a low-flying aircraft on the Saturday evening and another heard a loud banging in the early hours of Sunday," he said.

"This is the second most reports of activity we have ever had - I have had over 30 phone calls and emails.

"To hit two of the blades, any object must have been about 170ft long."

But some technical experts have suggested a more mundane explanation.

Dr Peter Schubel, from the University of Nottingham, is an expert in the design and manufacture of wind turbine blades.

'Military activity'

He said that if the turbine blade was still, it would take the equivalent of a 10-tonne load to do that kind of damage, but if it was rotating, or hit by a moving object, the force could be a lot less.

He said of the possible cause: "It's definitely not a bird. It could be ice thrown from a neighbouring turbine that struck it.

"Most turbines have an anti-icing system on the blades and maybe it failed to prevent the ice build-up."

The Ministry of Defence said it was not looking into the incident.

A spokesman said: "The MoD examines reports solely to establish whether UK airspace may have been compromised by hostile or unauthorised military activity.

"Unless there's evidence of a potential threat, there's no attempt to identify the nature of each sighting reported."

Ecotricity said it hoped to have the turbine back in action within a week.